2 Minute Disciple
2 minutes of discovery leads to a lifetime of following Jesus!
We found 10 episodes of 2 Minute Disciple with the tag “daily devotional”.
Episode 129: Sermon on the Mount Part 7
Episode | April 10th, 2022 | Season 2 | 4 mins 35 secs
audio bible, daily bible, daily devotional, personal development, personal growth, self care, spiritual growth, spirituality
This week, we have taken some time to listen to Jesus words and let them sink in to our hearts. I have been working these words into my life and I’m seeing a difference. These are truly foundational words that can help us live our lives right side up. This is not a one time fix, but these are the things that we can ponder and daily work them into our lives. The thing that makes Jesus’ words so powerful is that he lived them out and showed us what life looks like when it is lived right side up. I have been working forgiveness into my life and it has really lightened my load. What words of Jesus are you working into your life?
Episode 128: Sermon on the Mount Part 6
Episode | April 9th, 2022 | Season 2 | 4 mins 13 secs
audio bible, daily bible, daily devotional, jesus, self care, spiritual journey, spirituality
Verses one through five should be the new rules for social media. It might tone down some of the sniping and canceling that goes on these days. This section of the sermon is so timely for our culture and it is a strong reminder that we are definitely flying upside down in this area today. If just “Christian” people would live this out, we would see a huge difference in the way we treat one another in our culture. I also love how the golden rule is restated here in the Message. It makes so much sense and the idea of taking the initiative to do good to others is another one that if we actually did it, we could change our communities. This is the whole reason that I am doing this podcast, so that we can look into the mirror of scripture and let it change us. I know that I need to cut the sarcasm and attitude before I point out what’s wrong with you. This is what I’m asking God to help me work on. What needs to be changed in your life?
Episode 127: Sermon On The Mount Part 5
Episode | April 8th, 2022 | Season 2 | 5 mins 5 secs
audio bible, daily bible, daily devotional, jesus christ, self care, spirituality
It is so hard to not worry or be anxious, but worry and anxiety don’t work, they just make things worse. When we focus on God and how he works and provides for us, we can let go of those worries and watch God go to work for us. I needed to hear this today and I need to ask God to help me to make this a reality in my life. Worry and anxiety rob us of what God wants to give us and we are valuable to him. This week I have struggled to see what I have gained in a career given to vocational ministry. I’m having a hard time switching careers and seeing my value. However, when I think about my career in ministry as storing up treasures in heaven, I realize that my skills used to his glory were not wasted and that I can trust him to help us through this hard transition even if we can’t see it. I’m still a work in progress, however, because I just want God to hurry up already.
What is God showing you today? -
Episode 126: Sermon on the Mount Part 4
Episode | April 7th, 2022 | Season 2 | 4 mins 58 secs
audio bible, daily bible, daily devotional, emotional wellness, self care, spiritual journey, spirituality
We all want to live these well curated lives that make people look at you and say wow, they have it all together. However, that’s not what God wants from us. God wants us to live fully for him and to worship him with our lives. What we do is for him and not for others to applaud us or stroke our ego. We get to live in partnership with God and by doing our part, we get to see God in action and he gets to enjoy us in action. Sometimes I forget that part, I don’t need the applause of people because God’s appreciation is more than enough to satisfy my soul.
A good sermon steps on your toes and makes you uncomfortable with the tension between the reality of your soul and what God wants from you. This sermon from Jesus sure delivers the punch and I hope that you are wrestling with these words of Jesus. What is the tension that you are feeling as you wrestle with Jesus’ words? -
Episode 115: Acts Chapter 25
Episode | March 27th, 2022 | Season 1 | 5 mins 13 secs
audio bible, daily bible, daily devotional, jesus, spirituality
In this chapter, we find Paul appealing his case to Caesar. The Jews wanted him brought back to Jerusalem so that they could kill him and Paul knew that God wanted him to get to Rome so that he could proclaim the Gospel to Caesar and others in Rome. In the meantime, Paul gets to share the Gospel with another leader named King Agrippa. God just kept putting the audience before Paul and all that Paul had to do was speak. That got me to think about the audience that God has put before me through this podcast. My job is to stay faithful and keep reading the Gospels and Acts and sharing it with anyone who will listen. Who is your audience?