2 Minute Disciple
2 minutes of discovery leads to a lifetime of following Jesus!
We found 10 episodes of 2 Minute Disciple with the tag “daily devotional”.
Episode 148: Matthew Chapter 25
Episode | May 3rd, 2022 | Season 2 | 7 mins 55 secs
audio bible, daily bible, daily devotional, discipleship, jesus christ, personal development, self care, spiritual formation, spirituality
Don’t you love guilt trips.I can’t tell you how many things that I have done because I was guilted into it. Most of the time it worked out ok, but a few of those things were a little adventurous to say the least. Whenever I would read Matthew 25, I would read it through the guilt lens, don’t be one of those foolish girls, be a better planner and be organized. Be a good money manager unlike that last guy, you don’t want to be that guy, so use your money wisely with a “budget” approved by Dave. The last one was an ice cream Sunday with 3 giant scoops of guilt, don’t be a slacker, do more and achieve more for God or your a goat and you are BAD! So, I would try harder to be a “good” Christian, fail, try even harder and on and on the cycle would go.
But I think that it misses the point, it’s not about beating yourself up for not measuring up, but being ready by living for Jesus each day. It’s about looking for opportunities to grow in your skills for God’s glory and to not be afraid of being stretched. It’s about taking those skills and serving others not out of guilt or fear of not measuring up, but living each day for Jesus as his witness to God’s new government.
That new perspective is so freeing! I am so motivated to serve and love because I want to be more like Jesus each day. This subtle shift fits in with what we have learned about Jesus in the Gospels and I wish that I would have figured this truth out earlier in life, but that’s what this journey is for, discovering who Jesus is and how we can follow him. We can take these daily discoveries and change our trajectory and that’s success. -
Episode 147: Matthew Chapter 24
Episode | May 2nd, 2022 | Season 2 | 8 mins 26 secs
audio bible, daily bible, daily devotional, discipleship, jesus, personal development, self-care, spiritual formation, spiritual journey, spirituality
That is the theme of this chapter. However, the conspiracy theorist in me wants to figure out the details of the end of time, who, what where, and especially WHEN? But Jesus just gives us a you’ll know it when you see it answer and tells us to keep going and keep spreading the kingdom message. Keep going even when you just don’t feel like it. It’s that locker room pep talk when you’re down by 50 at half time, keep chipping away and we will win in the end, it’s going to be ugly, but stick with it. It’s the kind of speech that we all need even though we want to figure out if there is a rapture, who’s in and who’s out, and who is the big baddy antichrist, but Jesus tells us to keep going and keep looking and I’ll take care of the rest.
So, we keep going and keep spreading the message of God’s kingdom until the end. -
Episode 145: Matthew Chapter 22
Episode | April 28th, 2022 | Season 2 | 7 mins 32 secs
audio bible, daily bible, daily devotional, love, personal development, self care, spiritual growth, spiritual journey, spirituality
This chapter reminded me of a tennis match between an all-time great and a lesser opponent who is trying to stick with them. The religious leaders are giving Jesus their best shots but continue to have Jesus send it screaming past them. He is a master at debate and is excellent at staying out of a verbal trap. What I am learning here is that following Jesus takes everything that you’ve got, your heart, soul, mind and strength. Jesus used it all to live his life to the glory of God and we can too. Let’s pray… What are you learning from Jesus? Make sure you share in the comments.
Episode 143: Matthew Chapter 20
Episode | April 26th, 2022 | Season 2 | 5 mins 44 secs
audio bible, daily bible, daily devotional, personal development, self care, spiritual growth, spiritual journey, spirituality
I want my eyes open and I want to see. As my eyes open, I see this great reversal, the first are last, and real power comes from being a servant. Jesus’ cup is a cup of suffering service on the cross and I can see it all more clearly. Jesus touched my eyes and now I can see clearly that in order to live the resurrection life, I have to die to myself. I’m hard to kill, but I know that I’m better off dead to myself so that I can live fully to him. This is a hard truth to come to, but now that my eyes are open, I can see it clearly. What are you seeing from Jesus? Join the conversation in the comment section of the website.
Episode 141: Matthew Chapter 18
Episode | April 23rd, 2022 | Season 2 | 6 mins 42 secs
audio bible, daily bible, daily devotional, forgiveness, self care, self development, spiritual journey, spirituality
I saw this tweet from Bob Goff today and I thought it fit with today’s reading. “Next to grace, I bet God thinks making us need each other was one of His best ideas.” That is exactly what this chapter is about, relational health. God made us for community and Jesus gives us the road map to having healthy and thriving relationships. Everyone can benefit from the lessons that Jesus teaches here. This is where I want you to join the conversation and tell me what you learned from Jesus in this chapter. Either go to the show notes page and scroll to the bottom and type your response or if you are using a podcast platform, click on the podcast episode website link and you will see it at the bottom of the page. Please join me in conversation.
Episode 140: Matthew Chapter 17
Episode | April 22nd, 2022 | Season 2 | 5 mins 41 secs
audio bible, daily bible, daily devotional, spiritual journey, spirituality
I try to put myself in the shoes of Peter in this story. I would be in shock to see Jesus in all of his glory, my chin would be on the ground like in a cartoon and I would have fallen over. I’m not sure that I could have spoken to get the words that Peter babbles out, but I know that I would have been stumbling and bumbling through that moment. I would have missed the point too until the resurrection, which would make everything click.
I am just pondering the sight of Jesus in all of his glory standing before me and as I close my eyes I can see him shining. I just want to soak it in and be reminded that Jesus is God with me and that he promised to be with me through thick and thin. I can trust him with my life and daily decisions. -
Episode 134: Matthew Chapter 12
Episode | April 15th, 2022 | Season 2 | 8 mins 38 secs
audio bible, daily bible, daily devotional, leadership development, personal development, self care, spiritual journey, spirituality
Something that I noticed in this chapter is that Jesus is getting criticized for every little thing and he handled it similarly to how he handled the temptation in the wilderness, by referring to scripture. I think that is such a great strategy for handling critics. I need to learn this lesson because if I got all of the criticism that Jesus got, I would scream and want to slap someone. But Jesus I think was frustrated, but he handled it with the scripture and with a calm manner. The way that he handled himself is truly inspiring and something that I am striving to do with the help of the Holy Spirit. What inspired you from this chapter?
Episode 132: Matthew Chapter 10
Episode | April 13th, 2022 | Season 2 | 6 mins 54 secs
audio bible, daily bible, daily devotional, personal development, self care, spiritual journey, spirituality
I never really connected the dots on Jesus call for his followers to pray for workers for the harvest and the sending out of the twelve into the harvest. I have always thought of that scripture as connected to foreign missions and the starving kids in Africa that I missed the point of the harvest all around us that Jesus is sending us to. I’m not saying that we shouldn’t go to the starving kids in Africa, but not all of us can do that and there are starving kids all around us where ever we are. This is such a powerful message to us who are learning to follow Jesus. The other thing that ties this all together for me is Jesus call to be all in with him in this kingdom work. What in today’s chapter is connecting with you?
Episode 131: Matthew Chapter 9
Episode | April 13th, 2022 | Season 2 | 5 mins 53 secs
audio bible, daily bible, daily devotional, personal development, prayer, self care, spiritual direction, spiritual journey, spirituality
What strikes me the most in this chapter is Jesus’ heart for those on the outside of the religious elite. He seeks out the down and out and those far from religious purity and he eats with them, has compassion on them, heals them and urges his followers to pray for them and for workers to reach them with news of his kingdom. He is not following the normal procedures of the religious elite, he is announcing that everyone is welcome in his kingdom. The question that comes to mind is if I am learning from Jesus, am I as concerned about those on the outside as Jesus is?
Episode 130: Matthew Chapter 8
Episode | April 11th, 2022 | Season 2 | 5 mins 47 secs
audio bible, daily bible, daily devotional, personal development, spiritual growth, spirituality
Stay Calm, that is the theme of this chapter. We see this storm of people coming to Jesus to be healed and he calmly heals all of them. Even when everyone is coming to him and we wants to move on, he calmly goes on his way. Then comes the real storm and Jesus calmly calms the storm and the disciples are amazed and so am I. I can have a professional calm in crazy moments, but on the inside I’m still freaking out. However, Jesus’ calm is from head to toes and it comes from his reliance on God. That kind of calm is what I’m learning from Jesus. What are you learning from him?