2 Minute Disciple
2 minutes of discovery leads to a lifetime of following Jesus!
We found 10 episodes of 2 Minute Disciple with the tag “christianity”.
Episode 116: Acts Chapter 26
Episode | March 28th, 2022 | Season 1 | 8 mins 12 secs
audio bible, christianity, daily bible, jesus, spiritual journey, spirituality
I love this chapter, because we get to hear Paul’s turnaround story again and my favorite part is the two different responses. The first response is from Festus, and it’s the "You’re crazy" response that many of us who follow Jesus have heard before. The second response is from King Agrippa, and it’s the "if you keep this up, you’ll make a Christian out of me response". This is the response that we really want to hear. What strikes me here is that Paul was ready for both responses and expected both. I think that sometimes we just want the second response but when we get the first, we give up and stop sharing. Not Paul, he kept going and I love what he said to Agrippa in verse 29 (The Message): Paul, still in chains, said, “That’s what I’m praying for, whether now or later, and not only you but everyone listening today, to become like me—except, of course, for this prison jewelry!”
His response is a challenge to me, because I tend to pray more selfish prayers and I need to be praying for this when I talk about the Gospel with people. What do your prayers look like? Are you willing to pray for others the way that Paul did? -
Episode 7: Matthew Chapter 7
Episode | December 6th, 2021 | Season 1 | 7 mins 18 secs
audio bible, christianity, christmas, gospels, hide and seek, jesus, judging, less traveled path, self improvement, spirituality, true and false
What is the foundation of your life? Jesus challenges us to make his teaching our foundation. Are you up for the challenge? Let's check out Matthew 7.
Episode 1: Matthew Chapter 1
Episode | November 30th, 2021 | Season 1 | 5 mins 47 secs
audio bible, christianity, christmas, gospels, jesus, self improvement, spirituality
Our first step in our journey through the Gospels is in Matthew 1. We will be reading from the New Living Translation.