2 Minute Disciple

Episode 171: Luke Chapter 3

June 2nd, 2022

In our reading today, we have a ton of names to read through and the temptation is to skip over them and get on with the good stuff. However, part of getting to know someone is to understand where the came from, who in the past shaped their life by what they passed down. I also love the fact that Luke traces Jesus’ lineage all the way to God and we will see that color the story that Luke tells. Don’t let your eyes glaze over when we read the names, but think of them as people who influenced who Jesus was.
What strikes me in this chapter is the role of the Holy Spirit in Jesus life and ministry. Jesus is going to ignite in us the kingdom life, fueled by the Holy Spirit that will change us from the inside out. That is a key thing for us to remember as we continue with Luke and later in Acts. Jesus is given the Holy Spirit at his baptism and God speaks this blessing over him, “You are my Son, chosen and marked by my love, pride of my life” Luke 3:22 (The Message). Jesus is set apart to usher in God’s Kingdom and he opens up access to God for all of us. There is a part of me that feels like this is a stretch, but when you realize that Jesus has made us children of God, this blessing can relate to us as well. We are God’s children and we are chosen by God, marked by his love and God is proud of us.

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