2 Minute Disciple

Episode 159: Mark Chapter 8

May 17th, 2022

It’s allergy season right now and my eyes are red and watery. Sometimes, things are a bit blurry which is no fun when I’m taking pictures. I found some eye drops that help but I’ve struggled with this all of my life with some years better than others. I can relate to the blind man who said he saw people who looked like blurry trees. This chapter makes me smile, because I love the play between physical blindness and spiritual blindness, we can see the disciples see in one moment and then not see in the next. They are making their way out of spiritual blindness, things are a bit blurry, but they are starting to see. What about us, where are we in our spiritual blindness? Are things just a bit out of focus or are they coming in to focus? We need Jesus to “spit” on us and touch our eyes so that we can see clearly.

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